Our Beginnings
University Bible Church (UBC) was founded in the fall of 1989 under the leadership of Pastor Mike Powell. UBC began as an extension of the former Pocatello Bible Church. During the summer of 1989 we purchased and remodeled the former St. Andrew’s Chapel on the Idaho State University campus. We began with a group of around 30 people with a vision to worship God and to reach the ISU campus and our community for Christ.
From the beginning, we saw the need to reach Idaho State University, our community, and the world with the gospel.
The church grew and we went to two and then three services in our small chapel. In 1999 we began renting the ISU film theater for our Sunday morning worship service.
One of the ways God has used University Bible Church (and the former Pocatello Bible Church) has been to raise up full-time Christian workers. Approximately 70 of our former members have gone into pastoral and missionary ministries. Several have gone through our pastoral apprenticeship program where they served on our church staff while they completed their seminary studies.
Growth & Our Future
We moved into our current facility in Chubbuck in March of 2010. We kept our campus chapel in order to facilitate our ongoing college ministries.
We now have former students working in a wide range of professions and living as godly representatives of Jesus Christ all over the world. We are now seeing some of their sons and daughters attending ISU and becoming a part of our fellowship.
We are excited for the future of University Bible Church as we continue to be and make disciples who are Gospel-Centered, Bible-Focused and Christ-Exalting.