Why Fifty-Six?

As a child gets older, Kids Ministry may feel too young and sometimes too simple for their growing minds. On the other end, younger students may not be quite ready to enter student ministry. Oftentimes, 5th and 6th graders find themselves caught in between Kids and Student Ministries.

At UBC, we understand the challenging phase of life our 5th and 6th graders are facing. We want them to feel like they have a place to ask more difficult theological questions, share more freely, or if they want to - just be a kid. We offer several weekly programs for our 5th & 6th grade students to grapple with challenging questions about life and faith as they seek to learn more about Jesus.

Sundays @ 9:45am
Sundays @ 9:45am

All Ages

On Sunday mornings at 9:45am, we offer classes for our 5th and 6th students. All classes are held in the left wing of our building.


Wednesdays at 6:30pm

AWANA provides an opportunity for children (Kindergarten-6th grade) to learn about the Bible and memorize verses in a fun and age-appropriate way. 

Each club session includes time for games, devotions, and Bible memory work. Children have the opportunity to earn a wide variety of awards. AWANA meets Wednesday nights from 6:30pm-8:00pm, during the school year. 

Our Fifty-Six Team

Andrew & Trixie Lovelace

Awana Coordinators

Brad Thompson

Pastor of Worship & Families; Elder