About Our Littles Ministry

At UBC we exist to be and make disciples who are Gospel-centered, Bible-focused, and Christ-exalting. This all begins with teaching our littlest disciples about Jesus!

Our "Littles" Ministry provides care for your babies - 3 year olds in a safe, loving and fun environment.

Sundays @ 8:30am & 11:00am

Babies – 3 year olds

During both Sunday Services (8:30am + 11:00am), your littles will learn about Jesus in a safe and fun environment.

We desire to serve your family in the best way possible, please know that you children are always welcome to join us in the worship service!

Sundays @ 9:45am
Sundays @ 9:45am

All Ages

Our Sunday Classes provide the opportunity for children to learn more about Jesus and the Bible while meeting new friends in a fun environment. Our 2 and 3-year-olds use the Accent curriculum.
Childcare for birth through 2 years is available during this time in the Mommy & Me Room

Mommy & Me Room
Mommy & Me Room

Mothers and their babies are always welcome in our services; however, our Mommy & Me is available for comfort, as needed. In this room, you’ll find comfy rockers, a crib, changing table and toys. Audio from our services are streamed to this room, helping you stay connected!

Find our Mommy & Me Room down the hallway to the right of the lobby, last room on the right. 

Wednesdays at 6:30pm

Cubbies (3 – 4 year olds)

AWANA provides an opportunity for children to learn about the Bible and memorize verses in a fun and age-appropriate way. 

Each club session includes time for games, devotions, and Bible memory work. Children have the opportunity to earn a wide variety of awards. AWANA meets Wednesday nights from 6:30pm-8:00pm, during the school year.


What to Expect

We understand the importance of safety and security when it comes to caring for your children! Here is what you can expect when dropping your children off for the first time.

A Safe & Loving Enviornment

All of our volunteers are background checked and love serving with kids! Our leaders are trained to care for and love your children while teaching them about Jesus!

We also have a security team that monitors the doors and hallways during our worship services.

Additionally, all of our classrooms and restrooms are cleaned and sanitized on a weekly basis.

Check-In System


  • When you first arrive in our lobby, drop by our Welcome Desk where a member of our check-in team will help you check your children into their classes for the first time.
  • We will collect some basic information (name, age, allergies and your cell phone number) and print name tags for each of your children
  • You’ll also receive a security tag to present to the teacher when you pick up your child.
  • If we need to reach you during the service, a member of our UBC Kids Team will text you.


  • We know Sunday Mornings can be crazy! Save time at the door by pre-checking your kids. Click here to let us know you’re coming! 


  • Stay Connected with UBC and make check-in easy by downloading the Church Center App!
Drop Off & Pick Up

Once checked-in, parents can drop their babies – 3 year olds off in their classroom. (Located to the right of the Worship Center)

After the worship service, children may be picked up in the same area where they were dropped off. Parents, be sure to maintain your security tag and present it to your child’s teacher at pick up.

Our UBC Littles Team

Brad Thompson

Pastor of Worship & Families; Elder

Sherri McLaughlin

Littles Coordinator