University Bible Church exists to be and make disciples who are Gospel-centered, Bible-focused, and Christ-exalting.
We seek to equip and disciple individuals and families to live for Christ. We do this by spiritually nurturing those who come alongside us in our mission through teaching of God’s Word, corporate worship, fellowship, and Biblical counseling.

What Should I Expect?
From the moment you arrive, you’ll discover a community of people who love our Lord, Jesus Christ. You’ll be greeted by a member of our friendly Welcome Team who will hand you a bulletin with information about our church, upcoming events, and a place to take notes during the sermon. In the lobby, you’ll find our Coffee Cafe to the right and you’ll see the Worship Center straight ahead. Feel free to stop by our Welcome Desk for more information or to check-in your children for the first time.
During every service, we spend time worshiping God through music, Biblical teaching, and prayer. From time to time, we celebrate baptism for new believers and on the first Sunday of every month we share communion together as a church family. Our services last around an hour and both worship services are identical, so feel free to choose whichever time is best for your family.
Worship Services
SINGING – Our music combines a mix of contemporary songs and traditional hymns. The music we choose focuses on significant words that magnify God and the gospel. We typically sing around 4-5 songs together every Sunday.
PREACHING – We believe the Bible is the inspired, authoritative Word of God. A teaching series usually works through books of the Bible so we can gain an overall perspective on each passage in its context. The preaching usually lasts around 35-40 minutes as the pastor seeks to interpret, explain, and apply the Bible to life. Feel free to check out some past sermons.
A sign language interpreter is provided during the 11:00 am service.

What About My Kids?
We love kids at UBC! Your children are always welcome in our worship services, however, we also offer a nursery for babies – 3 years old and Junior Church for 4 year olds – 4th grade. The first time you visit, stop by our Welcome Desk in the lobby to check your children in for their classes. We’ll ask for some basic information (names, ages, allergies and your cell phone number) to help us keep your children safe.
Additional FAQs
Depending on what time you arrive, our parking lot may appear full. However, there is additional parking available on both sides of the building (including a gravel lot on the right side of the building) and parallel parking is available along Philbin Rd.
At UBC, we invite you to come dressed as you are. Our atmosphere of worship is not dictated by outward appearance. When you walk into our church services, you may notice a wide variety of styles of dress from shirts and ties, to jeans and polos, even t-shirts. You will be welcomed regardless of what you are wearing.